In the past, women tended to assume that they would be overtakenby men in t

游客2024-06-03  2

问题     In the past, women tended to assume that they would be overtaken
by men in the race to the top. And, today’s young women are far less            【S1】______.
philosophical about their status and are more aggressive in their               【S2】______.
resentment in being treated as in some way inferior than men. On the            【S3】______.
other hand, since lack of drive is one of the criticisms leveled with           【S4】______.
women, perhaps this aggression is a positive advantage.  Some young
women, though, find it very difficult to come to term with the feeling that     【S5】______.
characteristics of authority which are acceptable in men are often not
acceptable in women. A reason often advanced for women fail to reach the        【S6】______.
top is their desire for balance between work and a life outside work.
Employers know this and tend, when a woman with young children
applies for promotion, treat the fact that she has young children as an         【S7】______.
important factor and, giving the choice, are more likely to give promotion      【S8】______.
to. a man than to her.
    What about women whose children are almost grown up? Well, the
writers of the study recommend a far much more positive approach to             【S9】______.
women who want to return to their careers before their children are off         【S10】______.
their hands. [br] 【S1】


答案 And→However/But

解析 本文第一句话陈述了女性过去对于高层职位的态度,但第二句话话锋一转,一直到本文结束,作者摆出了当代女性对高层职位的态度“today’s young women are far less philosophical a bout their statues and...”,这表明女性的态度发生了转变,因此使用表示转折的关联词才符合上下文语境。