[originaltext]M: Between the two houses we saw yesterday, which one do you pref

游客2024-06-02  3

M: Between the two houses we saw yesterday, which one do you prefer?
W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better.
Q: Which house does the woman prefer?
M: Miss Hanson, thank you for sending me this note. I’m .sorry to hear Marsha is being a problem.
W: I’m not sure what’s happening to Marsha. She’s usually an excellent student. She completes all her work and she’s quiet in class. Then, last month, she just changed.
Q: What can you infer from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman is the man’s boss.
B、The man is the woman’s husband.
C、The woman is the teacher of the child.
D、The woman wants to know something about a student.

答案 C

解析 男士说“Hanson小姐,谢谢你给我这个消息。很遗憾听说Marsha成了问题生。”女士说“我不清楚Marsha发生了什么事。她平常是很优秀的学生。她总是完成所有的作业,上课时也很安静。可是上个月,她就变了。”该题问“从对话中你可以做什么推断”。女士是想告诉男士Marsha的在校表现,可见女士是学校的工作人员。故 C项“女士是孩子的老师”为正确答案。