You probably enjoy being a part of your local community.You may attend chu

游客2024-06-02  2

问题      You probably enjoy being a part of your local community.
You may attend church services, belong to a neighborhood watch
group, chat with neighbors over the fence, or meeting neighborhood      【S1】______.
friends at a local restaurant. It’s human nature to want to bond with
others, so it’s not surprised to find that people are seeking out each  【S2】______.
other online by forming all sorts of Internet communities.
    The Internet is brimming with groups of people who are
sharing experiences, learning from each other, and enjoy the            【S3】______.
Multi-person. Internet communities can take several different forms. Two
of the most common forms are message boards and chat rooms,
either of which are based on shared interests.                          【S4】______.
    Message boards, also called forums, are extremely popular.
They are places where people post comments for all other
participants to read. Message board visitors can read and reply to
any comments they find them interesting.                                【S5】______.
    Chat rooms are "virtual" rooms in there people meet to talk         【S6】______.
about anything. They differ from message boards that conversations      【S7】______.
in chat rooms take place in real time. You visit a chat room simply
by going to the specified Internet address. Once there, you will be
asked to log in, and once you are in the "room", you would be           【S8】______.
able to see the names of others in the room and read their
conversations as they progress. You can jump in at some time by         【S9】______.
typing your comments and clicking on post, send, or whatever link
the chat room has provided to add your comments for the chat.           【S10】______. [br] 【S4】


答案 either--both

解析 此处是说,网络社区的两种最常见的形式是论坛(message board)和聊天室(chat room),而这两种形式都是基于共同的兴趣。either/either of which后谓语用单数.表示“两者都不…”;both/both of which后谓语用复数,表示“两者都…”,此处用either不合语义,故应将either改为both。