[originaltext]W: What sort of grade did you get on your research paper, I know

游客2024-06-01  4

W: What sort of grade did you get on your research paper, I know how hard you worked on it.
M: Yeah, well. I was hoping for something really good. But the professor said that l made too many broad claims that weren’t supported enough.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
W: The state ballet is coming to town next weekend, and I can not find a ticket anywhere.
M: You know, my sister just happens to have one and she cannot go, She has got some sort of conflict in her schedule.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、The man also wants to get a ticket for the state ballet.
B、The man is selling the ticket for the state ballet.
C、The man’s sister will go to see the state ballet.
D、The man’s sister will give the ticket to the woman.

答案 D

解析 由女士话中的The state ballet is coming to town next weekend可知这是生活场景;女士说她没买到票,男士回答my sister just happens to have one and she cannot go. she has got some sort of conflict in her schedule“我姐姐刚好有张票,但是和时间表冲突,她很可能去不了”。由此推知最后男士的姐姐可能会把票让给女士,答案是D。