[originaltext]M: I don’t enjoy dating anymore. I can’t seem to find anyone I ha

游客2024-06-01  5

M: I don’t enjoy dating anymore. I can’t seem to find anyone I have anything in common with.
W: Don’t feel discouraged. Be patient. As you are so distinguished, you will definitely find the right person who is right for you.
M: To tell you the truth, I am tired of being alone, I hope to find my Mrs. Right. What should I do?
W: Do you believe in Internet matchmaking service?
M: That’s really a new walk of life. What is it exactly?
W: It helps match up singles the world over, and helps find the man and woman of their dreams.
M: Oh, it must be to the taste of a certain group of people.
W: The advertisement said Dream Dates has matched up thousands of singles the world over!
M: Unbelievable! They must be exaggerating the figure!
W: Look at the way they manage their business: they collect applicants’ photos, and give the applicants questionnaires to fill out as to what type of character they are.
M: I don’t believe several questions can decide the type of person you’re, People’s characters are complicated and keep changing all the time.
W:  Anyway, it seems that things work well this way. The information and specifications will be entered in a large computer database.
M: A computer to decide your best date? That’s really ridiculous !
W: Look, it promises: Dream Dates provides expert dating service and a place for singles to meet, We’ll introduce you to the person uniquely qualified to be your partner.
M: Sheer slogans! Not reliable!
W: It says you can enroll in a free trial membership!
M: I won’t do it even they pay me for that!
W: Well, we don’t have to believe this. Maybe I can tell John and see whether he’d like to try it.

选项 A、It isn’t reliable.
B、It needs checking.
C、It is definitely trustworthy.
D、It won’t hurt to try.

答案 D

解析 本题考查女士对网上征婚的态度,其实通过女士向男士的介绍,最后一句说出了自己的看法:我们不一定非要相信,说明她的看法很中庸,故答案为 D项。