[originaltext]M:What’s going on between you and Gary? Did you guys have a fight

游客2024-05-31  1

M:What’s going on between you and Gary? Did you guys have a fight or something?
W:I can’t stand him any more.He has such a short fuse that even a little piece of friendly advice sets him off.
Q:What can be inferred about Gary from the conversation?

选项 A、Gary could not stand straight.
B、Gary was not a tall man.
C、Gary wasn’t friendly at all.
D、Gary is not open to criticism and is easily irritated.

答案 D

解析 Can’t stand him意为“无法忍受他”,a short fuse意为“易怒的人”,set sb. off意为“得罪某人”。从女士无法忍受的态度可以推断Gary不能接受批评并且非常易怒。故正确答案为D项。