[originaltext]M: I can’ t believe that we finally graduated from high school.I’

游客2024-05-31  2

M: I can’ t believe that we finally graduated from high school.I’m so happy that graduation is behind us!
W: Yeah! How are your preparations for the Academy? When is your(20)exhausting physical exam?
M: Well,I’m taking the physical this week. I know it will be rough but I have been training for two months now and I feel pretty strong. (20)After that, I must take a psychological test to see I am a good candidate for the stress of police work.
W: Is that all? It sounds pretty tough.
M: No,that’s not all. Just listen. (20)Next, I have to take the lie detector test. Finally, if I pass all of these, I must submit to a background check. At this final stage, the Academy will call my family, friends and former employer to check for any criminal records or credit problems.
W: Wow! That’s so intense!(19)Are you sere that you really want to be a policeman?
M: (19)Yes! I really want to be able to help and protect people.
W: Aren’t you afraid? Something could happen to you.
M: Relax! I plan to eventually work on crime scene investigation. With any luck, I’ll only have to spend one year pa- trolling on the street. How are your plans coming along for New York University? Are you all ready to move?
W: Are you kidding? It’s a good thing that I have two months to get ready. (21)I will start my summer job the day after tomorrow, so that should keep me busy.
M: Where are you working? At the Starbucks on Market Street?
W: Yes. I’d better go. I promise my mom that I would help her pack for her two-week trip to Europe.

选项 A、Physical exam—psychological test—lie detector test—background check.
B、Physical exam—lie detector test—psychological test—background check.
C、Physical exam—psychological test—background check—lie detector test.
D、Physical exam—lie detector test—background check—psychological test.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题 。对话中的两人按照事情发生的前后顺序把进入警察学院需要经历的步骤讨论了一遍,只要能听清对话内容,就不难找出正确的顺序为A ,即先是体能测试,然后是心理测试,接下来是测谎实验,最后是背景调查。