[originaltext]M:Mom,I’m not feeling well.My stomach aches.I can hardly stand th

游客2024-05-31  3

M:Mom,I’m not feeling well.My stomach aches.I can hardly stand the pain.Ouch!
W:Have you eaten anything bad,honey? Oh,you look so pale.You must go and see the doctor.
Q:What are they going to do?
M:Rich people don’t use violence to steal.They use computers and lawyers.
W:At least a computer won’t shoot and kill people.I think violent crime is more horrible than white collar crime.
Q:What do they talk about?

选项 A、Rich people.
B、Computers and lawyers.
C、A murder.

答案 D

解析 对话中,男士说有钱人通过计算机和律师偷盗,而不是暴力,女士说至少计算机不会杀人,并认为暴力犯罪比白领犯罪更可怕。故正确答案为D 。