[originaltext]W:I want to book a package tour.I’d like to stop over five days i

游客2024-05-31  3

W:I want to book a package tour.I’d like to stop over five days in either Ireland or Spain.
M:You call have five days in Ireland or France if you wish.
Q:What travel plans will the woman probably make?
W:Paul,did you pick up your clothes from the laundry today?
M:No,my brother stopped for them on his way home.
Q:What Call we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The clothes are still at the laundry.
B、John forgot to bring the clothes to the laundry.
C、John’s brother has brought the clothes back home.
D、John’s brother lost the clothes on the way back.

答案 C

解析 语意理解题 。女士问保罗今天是否把衣服从洗衣店拿回来了,男士说没有,他弟弟在问家的路上就把衣服拿回来了。结合对话可知答案为C项。