[originaltext]W: I really hope the view from the balcony is good.M: No problem

游客2024-05-30  2

W: I really hope the view from the balcony is good.
M: No problem ,I’m sure you can see the actors no matter where you’re sitting.
Q: What kind of place are they probably talking about?
M: Are you sure this is what I ordered? This looks like chicken salad to me.
W: Oh. You ordered vegetarian food, didn’t you? I’m sorry and I’ll be right back with the right salad.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She has the right salad now.
B、She dropped the man’s food.
C、She’ll bring a vegetable salad.
D、The chicken salad is sold out.

答案 C

解析 语义理解题 。这道题的答案在女士的话里,她说“很抱歉。您点的是素菜,我马上给你上正确的色拉。”可知,男士点的不是鸡肉色拉而是蔬菜色拉。C “她会把蔬菜色拉上来”与原话意思最为相近。