Being assertive (过分自信) is being able to communicate with other peopleclearl

游客2024-05-30  2

问题     Being assertive (过分自信) is being able to communicate with other people
clearly. If you felt that you had expressed what was important to you and al-
lowed the others to respond their own way, then, regardless of the final out-           【S1】______
come, you behaved assertively. It is important to remember that being asser-
tive refers to a way of coping with confrontations. It does not mean getting
your own way every time or winning some battles with another person. In                 【S2】______
practice, assertive behavior is usually most likely to produce a result which is
generally acceptable to all concerned, without anyone feel that they have been          【S3】______
unfairly treated.
   Assertiveness is often wrongly confusing with aggression. An aggressive              【S4】______
confrontation is when one or both parties attempt to put forward their feelings
and beliefs at the expense of others. In an assertive confrontation, however,
each party stands up for their personal rights, and each shows respect and un-          【S5】______
derstanding for the other’s viewpoint.
   The reason why assertiveness may not come naturally is what we often                 【S6】______
tend to believe that we must talk around a subject rather than be direct, or that
we must offer for excuses or justifications for our actions.                            【S7】______
   In fact, we all have a right to use assertive behavior in a various of situa-        【S8】______
tions. We are often schooled early in life to believe that sometimes our own
need to express ourselves must take second place. For example, in dealing with          【S9】______
those in privileged positions such as specialists, we often feel that speaking as-
sertively is, in some way, "breaking the rules".                                        【S10】______ [br] 【S5】


答案 and→but

解析 连接词错误。本句阐述过分自信和攻击性的区别。上一句中讲述攻击性是以牺牲他人的感觉和信念为基础的,过分自信与它不同,所以根据后半句的意思应当用表示转折的连词。