[originaltext]W: There is a seat by a window. And I am so happy that we could b

游客2024-05-30  5

W: There is a seat by a window. And I am so happy that we could be seated there and have a talk.
M: Yes, but it’s right over a wing. We wouldn’t be able to see anything.
Q:Where is the conversation probably taking place?
M:I am tired of John’s remarks.I don’t know why he usually wants to look at everything in such a negative way.
W:Why don’t you do what I do,Bill,and take his comments with a grain of salt.
Q:What does the woman mean?

选项 A、Bill should not talk to John any more.
B、John should tell Bill to think negatively.
C、Bill should not take John’s remarks seriously.
D、John should pay little attention to anything of Bill.

答案 C

解析 本题的关键在于对take his comments with a grain of salt(不全信某人的话)的理解。男士表示已经厌烦约翰的话了,因为他搞不明白为何他总是很消极的看待每件事情。女士建议男士象她那样做,不要太在意约翰的话。所以C项为正确答案。