[originaltext]M: You didn’t seem to be able to sit still for class. Are you exp

游客2024-05-30  2

M: You didn’t seem to be able to sit still for class. Are you expecting something?
W: Yes. I’m expecting a call to see if I was accepted for the position at Cole’s. I could do with the cash.
Q: What docs the woman mean?

选项 A、She is eager to be accepted by the University.
B、She is waiting to see if she could get the job from Cole’s.
C、She is expecting to see if Cole would lend her some cash.
D、She has no idea about whether she can afford the university tuition.

答案 B

解析 事实状况题。由女士的话可知她在等电话,看是否能够获得Cole’s的职位(position),B项与此相符。本题如抓住关键词position,答案则很容易选出。