[originaltext]W: I saw Kevin walk to school this morning. It was quite unusual,

游客2024-05-29  2

W: I saw Kevin walk to school this morning. It was quite unusual, don’t you think so?
M: Oh, you still don’t know.  After Kevin’s latest misadventure behind the wheel, his parents had taken away his ear.
Q: Why did Kevin walk to school this morning?
M: I think that Mia’s new hairstyle is really disagreeable. What do you say?
W: Actually, that is not quite fit for her, but everyone is too polite to say anything to her about it.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman likes Mia’s new hairstyle very much.
B、Both the man and the woman do not like Mia’s new hairstyle.
C、Because of Mia’s nice hairstyle, everyone is polite to her.
D、Everyone thinks highly of Mia’s new hairstyle.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士说他不喜欢米娅的新发型,女士说那种发型不太适合米娅,但是出于礼貌,没人和米娅说实话。 Disagreeable“不合意的,不讨人喜欢的”点明了对话的基调,故选B。