[originaltext]W:Hey,Bob.This Sunday is my 19th birthday and I’m going to invite

游客2024-05-29  1

W:Hey,Bob.This Sunday is my 19th birthday and I’m going to invite a few of my classmates to my party.
M:Mary,you can’t invite just a few.I think the others will not feel happy.
Q:What does the man imply?
M:Jim is really good at electrical appliance repairing.You should go and ask what he can do for your fridge.
M:Sure,I will.But before bothering him,let me check whether it’s still under warranty.
Q:What will the man probably do?

选项 A、Check the fridge’s warranty.
B、Go and buy a new fridge.
C、Go and fetch a fridge repairman.
D、Ask Jim to repair his fridge.

答案 A

解析 对话中,女士说Jim对家用电器很在行,推荐男士去找他帮忙看下他的冰箱。男士说去找Jim帮忙之前,他要先看下冰箱是否还在保修期。故本题答案为A。