[originaltext]W:Hey,Bob.This Sunday is my 19th birthday and I’m going to invite

游客2024-05-29  2

W:Hey,Bob.This Sunday is my 19th birthday and I’m going to invite a few of my classmates to my party.
M:Mary,you can’t invite just a few.I think the others will not feel happy.
Q:What does the man imply?
M:Don’t forget the show will start at seven o’clock at the People’s Theater.I’ll meet you at the gate.
W:Well,if you don’t see me at seven,I will be doing my homework and in that case,you can go in and I will meet you inside the theater.
Q:What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She doesn’t know where the People’s Theater is.
B、She doesn’t think the show will start at seven.
C、She has homework to do before she goes to the show.
D、She promises to meet the man at the gate.

答案 C

解析 对话中,男士提醒女士说演出七点开始,地点是人民剧院,他会在剧院门前和女士碰面。女士说如果他七点没有见到她的话,她一定是在做家庭作业。那样的话,他就先进去,她会在剧院里面和他碰面。故本题答案为C。