According to the author, Tolstoy’s ability to write ______. [br] What negative i

游客2024-05-29  3

问题 According to the author, Tolstoy’s ability to write ______. [br] What negative impact do the mandatory nation-wide tests most probably have on students’ power of writing well?

选项 A、They make the students unmotivated.
B、They prohibit students’ creativity due to their requirements.
C、The students will be severely punished if they fail the tests.
D、The students care little about writing.

答案 B

解析 原文该句提到“硬性规定的全国范围内的测试认同的是统一的标准答案,而不是创新意识”,由此可推知全国性测试可能影响学生在写作能力方面的创造性,B为正确答案。A、D虽然在该段提到,但与全国性测试无关。C的表述与原文不符,原文是说the threat of punishment。  