What’s the prevailing belief?. [br] In order to heal the pain of an abused perso

游客2024-05-29  4

问题 What’s the prevailing belief?. [br] In order to heal the pain of an abused person, we should ______.

选项 A、improve our education
B、punish the bad guys
C、show him our compassion
D、make the world a better place

答案 C

解析 原文该段倒数第2句提到犯错的人更应得到我们的compassion,随后又说到love和compassion是治疗伤痛最好的良药,因此选C。注意虽然选项D是该段末句的内容,但它与heal this pain并列,并不是治疗伤痛的方法,所以不能选。  