[originaltext]M: I haven’t heard from Nancy since she entered medical school.I

游客2024-05-29  1

M: I haven’t heard from Nancy since she entered medical school.I wonder how she’s doing.
W: Well,I understand she gave our department secretary her new address and phone number.Why don’t you try to get in touch with her?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
M: What an accident! If you had been careful.things would not be as they are.
W: What do you mean,it was my fault? If it were, surely I would take all responsibility for it.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She admitted her carelessness.
B、She is not to blame.
C、She’ll accept all responsibility.
D、She’ll be more careful next time.

答案 B

解析  本题关键在于理解女士说的那个句子,“这是我的错?如果这是我的过错,我当然会承担所有的责任。”注意该句使用了虚拟语气,虚拟语气往往表示与现实相反,事实上女士认为她不应该对该事负责任,故B正确。