[originaltext]MySpace, the social networking website, is different from other w

游客2024-05-28  3

MySpace, the social networking website, is different from other websites which only provide stories about other people. MySpace is a place that allows you to broadcast your own stories and personal information to as many people as you like. Started two years ago, it is a big source of information for and about American kids.
Teens are rushing to join the site, not sharing their parents’ worries. For teenagers, it is reliable network to keep in touch with their friends. They will often list their surnames, birthdays, school clubs, hobbies and other personal information. "MySpace is an easy way to reach just about everyone. I don’t have all the phone numbers of my acquaintances. But if I want to get in touch with one of them, I could just leave them a message on MySpace," said Abby Van Wassen, a 16-year-old student. Since each user’s personal home page lists the number of their MySpace friends, it has become yet another way of judging high school popularity. MySpace has become something teenagers feel they must have.
Parents on the other hand are seriously concerned about the security problems of MySpace. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has received at least 288 MySpace-related complaints, according to Mary Beth Buchanan, a lawyer in Pittsburgh. "Your profile on MySpace shows all your personal information to anyone on the Web. And MySpace even lists this information by birthplace and age. It’s like a free checklist for trouble-makers and it endangers children," Buchanan said.

选项 A、It allows one to show his personal information.
B、It offers only the children’s personal information.
C、It is against parents’ will to educate the kids.
D、It only offers stories about other people.

答案 A

解析  细节题。短文开头提到,MySpace与其他网站不同,其他网站只提供别人的故事,而MySpace允许你讲述自己的故事及公布个人信息。只有A符合文意,故正确。