【B1】 [br] 【B3】 [originaltext]The University Library is one of the largest academ

游客2024-05-28  3

问题 【B1】 [br] 【B3】
The University Library is one of the largest academic libraries in the country, with a book-stock of some two million volumes. There is an active collection for all subjects which are taught or researched at postgrakuate level in the University. The Library also functions as a national resource center in certain subject areas. For advanced research in the humanities, and in the history of the social, natural and physical sciences, the University Library has particularly impressive special collections of unique and rare primary materials, both manuscript and printed, which attract scholars from all over the world. They are supplemented by the ready availability of maicroform copies of similar materials, the originats of which are held in other libraries or record offices.  
   The University Library is highly automated, and the benefits of this for readers are especially evident and a microcomputer cluster for free student used.  
   In addition to providing access to its own collections of printed and other information formats,the University Library offers extensive support services . These include reference and enquiry services, individual and group training in the effective use of information technology and other sources, interlibrary loans, library publications, photocopying and other reprographic services, and binding and conservation.  
   The Main Library houses the principal collections and services for the humanities,social sciences,sciences and engineering . There are separate libraries, administered by the Main Library, for fine arts, music, 1iterature and early modern studies, education, law, chemical engineering, electronic and electrical engineering, social sciences, and medicine and life sciences.


答案 postgraduate

解析 语义推断题。根据后文中的volume“册,书卷”可知.此处应填入一个表示量的词。结合录音填入book-stock,此处表示“藏书量”符合句意。  