[originaltext]M:You should drink 8 glasses of water per day.It would do you muc

游客2024-05-28  1

M:You should drink 8 glasses of water per day.It would do you much good. You still have 2 glasses left today.
W:You are right,but it is already 8 p.m. I’m afraid I’m not supposed to drink much water.Maybe half the task.
Q:What will the woman probably do?
M:Paris is such a romantic place.I hope Dad call take you there to spend your wedding anniversary.
W:The day your Dad takes me to Paris is the day pigs fly.
Q:what does the woman mean?

选项 A、Paris is not romantic enough.
B、Paris is not modern enough.
C、They’re not very likely to go to Paris.
D、It’s impossible that they will go to Paris.

答案 D

解析 语义理解题。男士说巴黎很浪漫,希望爸爸能带妈妈去巴黎度结婚纪念日,女士(妈妈)则说爸爸带她去巴黎的那天猪都会飞上天,言外之意是这是绝不可能的事。因此答案为D)。