The wealth of a country should be measured______ the health and happiness of its

游客2024-05-28  7

问题 The wealth of a country should be measured______ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.

选项 A、in line with
B、in terms of
C、in regard with
D、by means of

答案 B

解析 题意是:一个国家的财富应该______ 其人民的健康和幸福以及它所生产的物质商品来衡量。[B] in terms of“依据,按照,从…角度”,符合题意。[A]in line with“与…一致”,[C] in regard with“关于,对于”,[D] by means of“凭借”都与题意不符。