[originaltext]M: Hello. (22) Today on Business Focus I am talking about Knowled

游客2024-05-22  4

M: Hello. (22) Today on Business Focus I am talking about Knowledge Management with Ms. Twomey, who is the Human Resource Manager for a big company. Ms. Twomey, has Knowledge Management changed the way your company works?
W: Oh yes, since adopting Knowledge Management strategies, we have had to make many changes to the way we work, from changing the technology we use and the way we use it, to changing people’s ideas about the best way to work.
M: And what has been the biggest challenge?
W: (23) Without a doubt it has been trying to get our staff to accept knowledge management practices. This was a tough challenge because our company had a culture which was not particularly open to the idea of knowledge management. So, I would say definitely the people side required the biggest change.
M: How were you able to overcome these problems?
W: Well, first we had to make sure that our people understood the competitive advantage the company stood to gain if we changed our way of working. We organized staff meetings in each of our offices to introduce the aims of the KM strategies we were going to adopt. As well as the personnel aspect of KM, (24) we also invested in new technology which made having online conferences easier to organize.
M: It sounds like it was a lot of work.
W: Indeed it was and in the beginning there were some problems, but we are really seeing (25) the benefits of implementing Knowledge Management now, as there is greater communication between the offices and people are realizing that if we all work together, we can achieve much better results.
M: Well, thank you, Ms. Twomey.
22.What are the speakers talking about?
23.What has been the biggest challenge for the woman?
24.What did the woman’s company do to push KM besides personnel aspect?
25.What is one benefit of implementing KM in the woman’s company?

选项 A、They organized online conferences.
B、They organized staff meetings.
C、They trained the staff members.
D、They invested in new technology.

答案 D

解析 对话中女士说除了人事方面,他们还要投资一项新技术,这样召开网络会议就容易多了。故答案为D)。