[originaltext]M: You might find work at the department store. They always need

游客2024-05-22  3

M: You might find work at the department store. They always need extra help over the holidays.
W: Do you really think so? I have to find something soon. Unemployment makes me feel horrible.
Q: What is the woman trying to do?
M: Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for an hour.
W: I’m really sorry. I couldn’t find the place. I asked an old man about the direction, but he gave me the wrong one.
Q: What has the man been doing?

选项 A、Looking for the woman.
B、Trying to find a place.
C、Waiting for the woman.
D、Giving the woman directions.

答案 C

解析 男士说一直在等女士,女士说她找不到地方,一位老人给她指错了路。故选C 项。