[originaltext]W: Good morning. I’m Victoria Porter. How can I help you?M: Good

游客2024-05-21  4

W: Good morning. I’m Victoria Porter. How can I help you?
M: Good morning. My name is Frank. I have to complete the enrolment form, but I’m not sure about some aspects.
W: (19)Let’s refer to the handbook and see how I can help you. What’s your first problem?
M: Well, I can’t decide on which program to take.
W: Do you want science or arts?
M: Arts. But I can’t decide among social sciences, humanities and education.
W: You needn’t make that decision now. (20) You can leave it until the end of the first year.
M: I see. Then I need to select my courses carefully.
W: Yes, First, foundation course. All students must take one foundation course as part of the requirement of the first year. It’s on Page 21. Have you read the description?
M: Yeah, I’d like to do A109 Futures. It looks so interesting.
W: But as a foreign student, I suggest you consider A114 Australia and Its People.
M: What about this, Structure, Thought and Reality, or Life in the Universe? The description of both says they will help me to develop skills of argument and analysis.
W: Actually all the foundation courses are designed to do that. But A114 will help you gain a better understanding of the country you live in.
M: That’s true. And it’s worth six points while each of the others only three. OK, I’ll do A114.
W: It’s very important to keep your points in mind when selecting courses. Normally full-time students enroll for 12 credits each semester or 24 each academic year. However, (21) if your enrolment drops below nine points in any one semester, you won’t be considered full-time.
M: (21)What would happen then?
W: (21)Well, you won’t be eligible for student visa.
19. What may help the man with his problems?
20. When can the man decide on his program according to the woman?
21. What is the minimum requirement to get student visa?

选项 A、Getting 9 points each year.
B、Getting 24 points each year.
C、Getting 12 points each semester.
D、Getting 9 points each semester.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。对话结尾处女士提到任何一个学期的学分低于9分,就不能算作全日制的学生,也就无法获得学生签证。由此可知,获得学生签证的最低要求是每个学期都拿到9个学分。