[originaltext] (33)In years to come our current era may be remembered as The

游客2024-05-21  4

(33)In years to come our current era may be remembered as The Epoch of Apple. The sleek (光洁的), minimal design on their gadgets has proved a huge hit with young professionals around the world. After the success of iPad. which is a tablet computer that attempts to combine the computing power of a laptop with the portability and usability of a smart phone, now Apple has launched a new version of iPhone. The new handset contains a front-facing camera for video conferencing and a gyroscope (回转仪) to allow users to play games by waving the device about. The first quarter of 2010 proved to be the most successful yet for the iPhone, showing that Apple will not become a victim to a tougher economic climate. Indeed, two weeks ago Apple’s market value overtook that of its arch-rival, Microsoft, for the first time since 1989. In 2000, Microsoft was worth £ 382 billion while Apple was worth just £ 11 billion. Now both companies are worth around £ 150 billion. (34)The economist and blogger Mark J. Perry writes that if someone who bought a $ 5 700 Apple PowerBook in 1997 had spent that money on Apple stock instead, it would now be worth $321 000. (35)Many link Apple’s rise to the guile and foresight of its CEO, Steve Jobs, who was forced out of the company in the 1980s but brought back a decade later to reverse its fortunes. It is a sign of the importance of Jobs to the company that when his health took a turn for the worse last year, Apple’s share prices fluctuated.
33. According to the passage, what will our era be recalled as in the future?
34. What does Mark J. Perry imply about Apple?
35. In many people’s eyes, what is the main reason leading to Apple’s rise?

选项 A、It has proved a huge hit to the young worldwide.
B、It will become a victim to a tougher economic climate.
C、It now overtakes Microsoft in its market value.
D、Its stock price has been soaring all the way.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。原文指出,苹果的市场价值在1989年以来首次超过夙敌微软。2000年,微软的总价值高达3 820亿英镑,而苹果仅为110亿英镑,现在两家公司的价值均在1 500亿英镑左右。经济学家和博主Mark J.Perry写道,如果1997年花费5 700美元购买Apple PowerBook的人将这笔钱用来购买苹果股票,现在他拥有的价值将是321 000美元。由此可以推测,苹果的股价一路飙升。