Why do we invest so much hope in new technology and why are we so disappoint

游客2024-05-20  2

问题     Why do we invest so much hope in new technology and why are we so disappointed when the Next Big Thing turns out to be just a new computer? This is what I’m asking myself after Apple’s【C1】______overhyped (过度宣传) product introduction. This time around the Next Big Thing is called an iPad. It’s【C2】______an oversize iPod Touch, and it will be great for watching movies, reading books, and browsing the Web.
    【C3】______for some of us who sat in the audience watching Steve Jobs introduce the device, the whole thing felt like a(n)【C4】______. The iPad is a perfectly good product. It’s reasonably【C5】______, and after spending a few minutes with one, I’m pretty sure I’ll buy one for myself and probably a second one for my kids to watch movies【C6】______road trips.
    Then why are we so【C7】______? The case is that at the very【C8】______, we had hoped a tablet from Apple would do something new. Steve Jobs and his【C9】______kept using words like " breakthrough" and "magical," but the iPad is【C10】______. It might turn out to be magical for Apple, because【C11】______Jobs is really doing here is trying to【C12】______the personal computer with a closed appliance that runs software only from Apple’s online App Store. So instead of selling you a(n)【C13】______and never hearing from you again, Apple gets a(n)【C14】______revenue stream with iPad as you keep【C15】______more apps. That really is "magical" for Apple’s bottom line, anyway.
    And that’s【C16】______. What’s wrong, or at least interesting, is why some of us【C17】______so much more from a new gadget. I suspect this is because for some people, myself【C18】______, technology has become a kind of【C19】______We may not believe in God anymore, but we still need mystery and wonder. We need the magic【C20】______. [br] 【C17】

选项 A、expect

答案 A

解析 动词辨析题。本句大意为:真正错的,或者至少让人感兴趣的是,为什么我们中的一些人从新玩意儿很多呢?两句之间是转折关系,A)expect为预料或预计某事或某行动的发生,含“指望”之意,因此为答案。B)long指极殷切地盼望,这种盼望侧重于很难或不可能得到的东西,而且搭配为long for;C)desire较正式庄重,常含有强烈的意图和目的,此处与“新玩意儿”略带戏谑的口吻不符; D)want一般指所想要的东西能满足实际需要。