[originaltext]M: I can’t believe I passed the final on urban planning! That is

游客2024-05-20  3

M: I can’t believe I passed the final on urban planning! That is the subject I hated the most last semester.
W: Yeah, and what’s more ironic is you seldom attended the lectures.
Q: What does the woman think?
M: Isn’t it rather cold outside, Sally?
W: It is a bit, but I can’t stand the terrible smoke inside. I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind. You know, fresh air makes me more comfortable.
Q: Why does the woman want to stay outside?

选项 A、She feels very hot in the room.
B、She doesn’t like the smell inside.
C、She wants to avoid meeting people.
D、She wants to smoke a cigarette there.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士问Isn’t it rather cold outside,女士回答…a bit, but I can’t stand the terrible smoke inside。由此可知,女士想在外面待着是因为不喜欢屋里的烟味,故答案为[B]。