[originaltext]W: Americans are becoming crazy blog readers, with 120 million ge

游客2024-05-20  2

W: Americans are becoming crazy blog readers, with 120 million getting hooked.
M: Well, that’s true, but a small percentage of Internet users had created one. Most are just getting involved, posting materials or comments on other people’s blogs.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
W: I heard the boss yelling at Mike for some reason earlier today. Do you know what it was about?
M: Steve says that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it, but the boss found out.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Mike was sacked off for yelling at the boss.
B、Mike failed to cover the mistake.
C、Steve fixed the problem for Mike.
D、Steve reported Mike’s mistake to the boss.

答案 B

解析 信息明示题。男士说得非常清楚:据Steve说,Mike犯了错却试图掩饰过去,但是不幸被老板发现了。