[originaltext]M: Hello, Mrs. Chris, may I come in?W: Ah, come in Tom. Your rep

游客2024-05-20  3

M: Hello, Mrs. Chris, may I come in?
W: Ah, come in Tom. Your report is interesting. There are a couple of things I’d like to check with you. You mentioned several countries you’d like to visit, Czechoslovakia again, Hungary, Romania, Singapore, the Gulf States. My first question: What’s the priority?
M: Well, they’re all potentially important. My feeling is that we should act fast. I think a follow-up visit to Czechoslovakia is the priority.
W: Ok. Next question: When do you want to go there?
M: I’ve got a lot of deskwork to finish off here. I’d like to go towards the end of the month.
W: If we send you there, would you like to go to other Eastern countries on the same trip?
M: Yes, certainly. Hungary and preferably Romania as well.
W: Why are you so keen on Romania? What’s going on there?
M: I’ve heard that medical facilities are being expanded quite fast. Of course I’d have to do a good deal of market research.
W: Um, who would be our biggest competitors in Hungary and Romania?
M: Surprisingly most of the stuff is in Albania. The Americans have got their feet in but only in a small way.
W: Another question: What will happen to our Eastern countries business, if the pound got stronger?
M: It will have serious effect on exports, of course. But I don’t think we can miss this chance just because of that.
W: Then is the question of attitude. Media Papa seems very tough. Would they really have cancelled the order if we hadn’t delivered on time?
M: It’s hard to say. They are very tough, so maybe yes. That’s why I want to go there again and strengthen our personal contacts.
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. Which country will the man visit first?
20. When will the man start his trip?
21. Why does the man prefer to go to Romania?
22. What is the main purpose for the man to go to Eastern countries?

选项 A、Tomorrow.
B、Next month.
D、Towards the end of the month.

答案 D

解析 选项表明,本题考查时间,听音时应留意与时间有关的信息。对话中女士问When do you want to go there?男士回答说I’d like to go towards the end of the month,由此可知,答案为[D]。