After three rounds of interviews for a sales position with Prudential Insura

游客2024-05-19  2

问题     After three rounds of interviews for a sales position with Prudential Insurance , Patricia Rosa received a letter in February saying her job application was denied .based on information turned up in a background check. The only blemish (瑕疵 ,污点) on her record,she says: Poor credit that built up since she lost her job two years ago. More and more employers are conducting credit background checks on applicants for some positions, figuring that the financial information can offer insight into a candidate’s level of responsibility. But people whose credit has been damaged by the economic downturn say they are victims of circumstances beyond their control.
    Critics of the credit checks say they create a vicious cycle that prevents those who most need jobs from getting them. Lawmakers are pushing for change. U. S. Rep. Steve Cohen has proposed a bill to prohibit the use of credit checks during the hiring or firing process, with certain exceptions. And some states have passed or proposed laws to restrict employers’ use of credit checks.
    A Prudential spokeswoman says the company doesn’t comment on specific applicants but that each candidate authorizes the company to conduct a background check, which may include a credit check. Federal law gives employers the right to conduct background checks on current and potential employees through third-party companies, with the individual’s approval. Some 47% of employers say they check the credit history of applicants for certain positions, according to a 2009 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management. The vast majority of employers who conduct credit checks do so for jobs with financial or fiduciary (受信托的) responsibility, such as accounting, budgeting, managing others’ money or those involving cash or sensitive credit-card information. Nearly half the respondents also consider the credit of candidates for senior executive positions. Common roadblocks to a job offer include lawsuits or other legal judgments outstanding against the candidate, or multiple accounts in debt collection, according to the survey.
    Knowing what is on your credit report and offering an explanation for debt caused by a specific event could keep negative information from derailing your employment chances. First, be sure you understand what employers can see on a credit check and make sure you understand your report so you can explain any problem areas. A credit report includes debt, bill-paying history, number and types of accounts, how long you’ve had them,and whether you’ve been sued or have filed for bankruptcy.
    You might be tempted not to authorize a potential employer to conduct a background and credit check. But refusing permission is likely a deal breaker, career counselors say. Employers will assume you are hiding a serious problem, and in today’s job market, they won’t have trouble finding a more forthcoming candidate. [br] What can we learn about the employees’ poor credit background?

选项 A、The employees will never confide in their employers.
B、The lawmakers urge to change the bad records.
C、Some employees contribute it to the economic circumstances.
D、Critics of credit checks think good records can help to secure the job.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。本题考查应聘者的不良信用记录的相关情况。定位句中说明经济不景气影响了一些人的信用记录,这是人为无法控制的。而对信用记录调查持反对意见的人认为不良信用记录造成了一个不良的怪圈,使最需要工作的人们无法获得想要的工作。所以C)“一些人将之归因于经济环境的影响”为本题答案。A)“雇员不会向雇主吐露秘密”、B)“法律制定者督促改变不良记录”和D)“反对信用调查的人认为好的记录能保住工作”均与原文不符,故排除。