It’s the dream of many an office dweller: Retire extremely early and travel

游客2024-05-17  5

问题     It’s the dream of many an office dweller: Retire extremely early and travel the world at your own【C1】______. But then you remember the mortgages, college tuitions and【C2】______investments in your retirement accounts, and you think you couldn’t even consider it【C3】______you were wealthy. Meet one inspirational couple who【C4】______free of the financial restrictions and retired at the age of 38. They provide all of us some【C5】______on how to plan for and look forward to a rich and full retirement.
    Their wealth lies in the fact that they have numerous options open to them because they aren’t tied【C6】______to a large home with a mortgage and they don’t have any debt requiring them to work. They have never planned their【C7】______and they don’t live on one today. Both of them are very skilled on how to live well【C8】______less. A great example of taking advantage of good pricing is the【C9】______attention over the drug wars in Mexico【C10】______U. S. tourists from traveling south of the border. They find great【C11】______everywhere,with shops and hotel operators willing to【C12】______as tourism being affected. Generally speaking,【C13】______they can’t control the market’s ups and downs, they can and must【C14】______their lifestyle spending choices.
    There is no perfect【C15】______to retire, and retirement itself is not "perfect" nor the end-all. It is the beginning of a new life after a career【C16】______it depends on what one wants to do with their time left on the planet. In their case,they wanted to interject (插入) more【C17】______into their lifestyle and that was their motivation. As a living【C18】______, they concentrate on experiences and people—not things, and it works for them.【C19】______that with love to live simply and it’s a recipe for their【C20】______style of satisfaction. [br] 【C4】

选项 A、broke

答案 A

解析 动词辨义与搭配。本句意为“这对夫妇摆脱丁经济困扰,在38岁就提前退休”。break有“挣脱”之意,break free of sth.意为“摆脱……”,填入此处符合语意,故A)为答案。withdraw意为“收回;取(钱)”,pull意为“拉”,均不符合句意,故排除;rid作不及物动词与of搭配,rid of意为“摆脱;丢弃;扔掉”,但原文中有free修饰,rid free of为搭配错误,故排除。