The conclusion of a new study by sociologists from the University of Toronto

游客2024-05-16  9

问题     The conclusion of a new study by sociologists from the University of Toronto won’t come as a surprise to working women: they feel more guilty than men about taking work-related phone calls or e-mails at home. And lest you assume it’s all about work-family balance, consider that women who were single and childless also felt more guilty.
    Researchers looked at data from the 2005 US Work, Stress and Health Survey, which asked 1 042 working adults to describe the frequency with which "boundary-spanning" responsibilities—such as calls, e-mails and texts from bosses, coworkers or clients— intruded into their home lives. Respondents also reported their levels of distress and guilt over the intrusions. The more work-related calls and e-mails women took after hours, the researchers found, the more guilt and distress they had; no such increase was reported by men. Women’s guilt persisted even when their work didn’t interfere with family life.
    "Initially, we thought women were more distressed by frequent work contact because it interfered with their family responsibilities more so than men," study author Paul Glavin, a doctoral student at the University of Toronto, said in a statement. "However, this wasn’t the case. We found that women are able to juggle their work and family lives just as well as men, but they feel more guilty as a result of being contacted. This guilt seems to be at the heart of their distress."
    The survey sample tended to skew (使偏颇) older (average age 47) and female (59%), and participants were more likely to be married and to have higher education and income levels than the general population. But given the blurring of boundaries between work and home life, the study raises important issues, especially for working women. Indeed, within the surveyed group, women consistently reported more guilt despite their type of job, income level or their particular "division of labor" and responsibilities at home.
    The first step is to try to understand why women feel more guilty. Wrote the researchers: Despite the reality that family structures and parenting practices change with broader social and economic contexts, the gender contingencies (偶发事件) that we find in the associations between work contact and guilt and distress suggest that salient gender differences remain with regard to work-family role expectations. In other words, even though more men are taking part in raising the kids and doing housework, and more women are earning incomes outside the home, it’s possible that women still perceive the work-life balance differently because of enduring gender roles.
    "These forces may lead some women to question or negatively evaluate their family role performance when they’re trying to navigate (应对) work issues at home," co-author Scott Schieman, a professor at the University of Toronto, told Reuters. [br] What does the word "juggle" mean (Line 4, Para. 3)?

选项 A、Confront with.
C、Contact with.
D、Cope with.

答案 D

解析 语义理解题。本段主要说明女性比男性感到更内疚的原因。根据juggle前后的内容“我们发现女性和男性一样有能力——她们的工作和家庭,但是由于频繁地被联系而感到内疚”,由此推测出该词意为“处理,对付”,因此答案为D)“处理”。