What have Bill Stone and his teams accomplished? [br] Why does Bill believe that

游客2024-05-16  2

问题 What have Bill Stone and his teams accomplished? [br] Why does Bill believe that "it’s not a quantum leap for me to go to Jupiter"(Para. 2)?

选项 A、He is rich enough to pay experienced astronauts to help him to explore Jupiter.
B、He can easily get political and financial backup from the government.
C、He can receive financial and technical support from the company he runs.
D、His experience gained from exploring caves will facilitate his exploring in Jupiter.

答案 D

解析 根据第二段最后三句可知比尔认为去木星探测对于他来说不算什么大的突破,因为比尔认为洞穴就是一个试验场,在那里获得的探测经验可以帮助人们进行外太空的探测。也就是说,他之所以这么认为是因为他从洞穴探测得来的经验可以帮助他探测木星。本段第二句提到比尔并不富有,他也不是要在宇航员的帮助下去木星探测,故可排除A;本段第二句还提到比尔也没有广泛的政治关系并从而获得资助,故可排除B;本段第三句提到比尔的公司是一家很小的公司,所以他也无法从公司.获得资金和技术支持,故可排除C。