[originaltext]W: Can I talk to you for a minute about the history assignment, P

游客2024-05-15  6

W: Can I talk to you for a minute about the history assignment, Professor Smith? I am so confused about the requirements you said in class, and 1 don’t want to get it wrong anyway.
M: Look, I am in the middle of something right now. Can you give me 15 minutes?
Q: What does the man imply?
M: Excuse me. About the computers, do I have to book in advance for them?
W: Yes, it’s advisable. Most people tend to book 24 hours in advance, although sometimes you can get one with only 6 hours’ notice. However, the earliest you can book a computer is 48 hours before you need it.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman wants to buy a computer.
B、There is no need to reserve a computer in advance.
C、The computers can be booked up to 48 hours in advance.
D、Six hours ahead of time is absolutely enough to reserve a computer.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士提到the earliest you can book a computer is 48 hours before you need it,[C]正是对此的同义转述,故为答案。由女士提到的“有时提前六个小时也能预订到电脑”可推知,提前六个小时预订不一定能预订到电脑,故排除[D]。