[originaltext]W: You punched in late this morning, what happened? Did you have

游客2024-05-15  4

W: You punched in late this morning, what happened? Did you have car problems?
M: No, I usually drive to work until recently the gas price rockets up.  So I have to take my bicycle to save budgets today.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: Hello, this is Western Michigan Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?
M:  I heard  from  the  weather  report  that  the temperature there in your city is up to 39 degree. I am afraid my poor heart condition will not allow of my appearance in your hotel.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The temperature in the man’s city has come up to 39 degree.
B、The man has a serious heart problem.
C、The man is calling to cancel the hotel reservation.
D、The man is going to the hotel for a rest.

答案 C

解析 女士询问酒店能为男士提供什么服务,男士回答天气预报说酒店所处的城市气温将高达39度,而他自己的心脏不好,可能到不了该酒店了。由此推断男士打电话取消酒店预定业务,故选C项。