Most computer users have symptoms of CVS because of ______. [br] How to avoid e-

游客2024-05-15  6

问题 Most computer users have symptoms of CVS because of ______. [br] How to avoid e-thrombosis according to the passage?

选项 A、By crossing your legs while sitting.
B、By keeping a comfortable posture.
C、By keeping supplies convenient for getting.
D、By moving around every hour.

答案 D

解析 根据题于信息词a voiding e-thrombosis定位到第三个小标题下的最后一句。四个选项文章都有提到, A、B和C的论述正好与文章论述相反,只有D项符合原文内容,即:每小时站起来走动一下是避免电子血栓症的方法之一,故答案为D。