The economy at the beginning of 2006 is not affected by the high oil price mainl

游客2024-05-14  6

问题 The economy at the beginning of 2006 is not affected by the high oil price mainly because ______. [br] What is said about GM, Ford and Chrysler in the third paragraph?

选项 A、They are all light trucks that are efficient in fuel.
B、Their sales drop as more people are more interested in foreign cars.
C、Their lower prices attract those who don’t worry about high gas prices.
D、They have to provide better after service to compete with Toyota and Honda.

答案 C

解析 由题干关键词GM,Ford and Chrysler定位到原文第三段。其中最后一句指出,这些汽车虽然耗油,但促销活动吸引了顾客,说明这些人不担心支付昂贵的汽油费,C与之相符。该段第一句说明Toyota和Honda比这些汽车省油,故排除A;第二句中的sales are holding up说明这些汽车的销售量没有减少,故排除B,其中hold up指“支撑住”;从第二句得知保持销售量的原因之一是价格上的优惠政策,而不是良好的售后服务,故排除D。