[originaltext]W: I’m Faith Donnelly. This week on our program, we will talk abo

游客2024-05-14  11

W: I’m Faith Donnelly. This week on our program, we will talk about college. Mr. White is our guest today. Welcome, Mr. White.
M: Thanks a lot. It’s good to be here.
W: These days more people should go to college is usually taken as a given. (22)People with college degrees make a lot more than people without them, and that difference has been growing. But does that mean that we should help more kids go to college?
M: I could hardly agree. (23)Our high college drop-out rate may be a sign that we’re trying to push too many people who aren’t suited for college to enroll. It has been estimated that most people in their 20s who had college degrees were not in jobs that required them.
W: Yes, a great proportion. We have expected that college should make many students become more productive workers.
M: (24)But to some extent, a college degree reflects the fact that employers can use it as a rough measure of job applicants’ intelligence and willingness to work hard.
W: We could probably increase the number of high school seniors who are ready to go to college. But we have to face a fact: College isn’t for everyone.
M: Yes, you’re right, especially if it takes the form of four years of going to classes on a campus.
W: Is there any other options?
M: Traditional college indeed has a clear advantage. But online learning is more flexible and affordable. (25) Meanwhile, certification tests could be developed so that employers could get more useful information about a job applicant than whether he has a degree.
22. What is different between people with college degrees and people without according to the woman?
23. What does the college drop-out rate indicate?
24. What is the function of college degree according to the man?
25. What can the employers get about an employee from the certification tests?

选项 A、More and more people go into the college.
B、The proportion of girl students is growing.
C、Not everyone is suitable for college education.
D、Some measures should be carried out.

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。对话中女士询问大学文凭所导致的收入差距是否意味着我们应该把更多的孩子送进大学,男士表示不同意,因为高校的辍学率就在说明我们正在把越来越多不适合上大学的人推进了大学的校门。