Major depressive episodes happen to women earlier than men. [br] Some middle-age

游客2024-05-14  4

问题 Major depressive episodes happen to women earlier than men. [br] Some middle-aged people tend to suffer from Biochemical depression which might result from ______ within the brain.


答案 biochemical problems

解析 第1个小标题Types of Depression下Biochemical depression部分的第l、2句:Doctors aren’t sure why, but some people develop a biochemically based depression sometime during midlife.It’s likely that this type of depression is caused by biochemical problems within the brain.空白处需要名词性成分。原文第2句的this type of depression指的是第1句中提到的人到中年因为生理原因而患上的抑郁症。题目中的result from和原文的is caused by均表示因果关系,而且都是先果后因,题目要求填入病因,故答案在by之后。