[originaltext] Many analysts, energy companies and their investors believe t

游客2024-05-14  11

Many analysts, energy companies and their investors believe that gas will soon become as vital to the world’s economy as petroleum is today.
    And we’ve certainly seen the demand for gas surge in recent years. (26) One of the main reasons for this is the search for more environmentally-friendly fuels.
    Gas burns much more cleanly than oil or coal. In fact, it’s the cleanest burning fossil fuel, which makes it a very popular choice for new power stations all over the world.
    However, until quite recently it was difficult for the global gas industry to develop. (27) The problem is that gas, by its very nature, isn’t as easy to transport as oil and coal. Obviously, it’s gaseous at room temperature, so a system of pipelines is needed to get it to the customer. This meant in the past, it could only be sold to customers who lived near a natural gas supply. It was too expensive to transport it very long distances via pipelines.
    Fortunately. there is now a process which makes it easier to transport gas over longer distances. (28) It’s called liquefied natural gas. Put simply, gas can now be frozen into liquid form and transported to distant countries in refrigerated tankers. When the LNG is delivered it is heated and converted back into gas form. Then it is supplied to customers using local pipelines. And the potential profits are enormous for energy firms with the capital to develop LNG projects. Many experts believe that gas will be the dominant fuel for at least another 50 years.
26.What is one of the main reasons for the increasing demand for gas?
27.What is the problem of the global gas industry?
28.What can we learn about the project “IMG”?

选项 A、Gas can be used in liquid and gas form.
B、It will provide gas through long pipelines.
C、Gas is frozen into liquid and transported.
D、It will bring huge profits to the researchers.

答案 C

解析 文中提到liquefied natural gas(LNG)就是在用冷罐对天然气运输之前,先对天然气进行冷冻将其变成液体。故答案为C)。