[originaltext]M: Miss Hanson, thank you for sending me this note. I’m sorry to

游客2024-05-13  7

M: Miss Hanson, thank you for sending me this note. I’m sorry to hear Mary is being a problem.
W: I’m not sure what’s happening to Mary. She’s usually an excellent student. She completes all her work and she’s quiet in class. Then, last month, she just changed.
Q: What can you infer from the conversation?
W: What time do you want people to come?
M: Six. And tell them not to wear anything fancy. It’s only a casual affair.
Q: Which of the following is not true?

选项 A、People are expected to come at six.
B、A formal party will be held.
C、It will be a party for relaxation.
D、There is no need to prepare special clothes.

答案 B
