What impact can mobile phones have on their users’ health? Many people worry
What impact can mobile phones have on their users’ health? Many people worry
What impact can mobile phones have on their users’ health? Many people worry about the supposed ill effects caused by radiation from handsets and base stations, despite the lack of credible evidence of any harm. But evidence for the beneficial effects of mobile phones on health is rather more abundant. Indeed, a systematic review carried out by Rifat Atun and his colleagues at Imperial College, London, rounds up 150 examples of the use of text-messaging in the delivery of health care. These uses fall into three categories: efficiency gains; public-health gains; and direct benefits to patients by incorporating text-messaging into treatment regimes. The study, funded by Vodafone, the world’s largest mobile operator, was published this week.
Using texting to boost efficiency is not rocket science, but big savings can be achieved. Several trials carried out in England have found that the use of text-messaging reminders reduces the number of missed appointments with family doctors by 26%~39%, for example, and the number of missed hospital appointments by 33%~50%. If such schemes were rolled out nationally, this would translate into annual savings of 256 million to 364 million pounds.
Text messages are also being used to remind patients about blood tests, clinics, scans and dental appointments. Similar schemes in America, Norway and Sweden have had equally satisfying results—though the use of text-message reminders in the Netherlands, where non-attendance rates are low, at 4%, had no effect other than to annoy patients.
Text messages can also be a good way to disseminate (广泛传播) public-health information, particularly to groups who are hard to reach by other means, such as teenagers, or in developing countries where other means of communication are unavailable. Text messages have been used in India to inform people about the World Health Organization’s strategy to control tuberculosis, for example, and in Kenya, Nigeria and Mali to provide information about HIV and malaria. In Iraq, text messages were used to support a campaign to vaccinate nearly 5 million children against polio (小儿麻痹症).
Finally, there are the uses of text-messaging as part of a treatment regime. These involve sending reminders to patients to take their medicine at the right time, or to encourage compliance (遵守) with exercise regimes or efforts to stop smoking. The evidence for the effectiveness of such schemes is generally anecdotal, however, notes Dr. Rifat. More quantitative research is needed—which is why his team published three papers this week looking at the use of mobile phones in health care in more detail. One of these papers, written in conjunction with Victoria Franklin and Stephen Greene of the University of Dundee, in Scotland, reports the results of a trial in which diabetic teenagers’ treatment was backed up with text-messaging. [br] What do the experiments implemented in England indicate?
A、Text-messaging is useful in reminding doctors of their appointments with patients.
B、Using texting to boost efficiency is very popular in hospitals.
C、Text-messaging has helped to save much money for the hospital.
D、Text-messaging plays an important role in treating patients with acute diseases.
下列哪项不属于突发公共卫生事件现场应急处理一般程序的内容A.评估与判断 B.现
小儿急性白血病的治疗,哪一项是错误的A、不用分型,化疗越强烈越好 B、分型治疗
与上个月份相比,下列四个月份中房地产投资额增加值最大的月份是: A4月份
案例八: 一般资料:求助者,男性,24岁,硕士研究生。 案例介绍:求助者是
与患者进行沟通时沟通技巧不包括A.认真聆听,使用通俗易懂的语言 B.尽量使用专
以下对各类处方的描述中,不正确的是A.普通处方印刷用纸为白色,右上角无标注 B
下列关于各层次的货币供应,说法错误的是()。A.M1=流通中的货币 B.