It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______. [br] According to Cynth

游客2024-05-13  4

问题 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______. [br] According to Cynthia Kenyon, anti-aging drugs in the future will ______.

选项 A、extend the average and maximum lifespan
B、be useful to test Dr Rattan’s hypothesis
C、cure some diseases related to aging
D、be taken to study their side effects

答案 B

解析 根据Cynthia Kenyon定位到原文第六段。第二句指出,抗衰老药批准使用后,实施a huge natural experiment研究这些药物能否延长人们的寿命。最后两句进一步指出这项研究可以证明Dr. Rattan的观点是否正确,B与之相符。其中get under way指“进行”。 第六段第三句说明增长平均和最高寿命只是一种可能,故排除A;C中cure与该段第一句中guiding against不符;D为无关选项,可直接排除。