Everyone wants to be healthy and happy.【C1】______ , illness or accidents ma

游客2024-05-13  5

问题      Everyone wants to be healthy and happy.【C1】______ , illness or accidents may occur without any【C2】______ . Frequently the person who is【C3】______ can be cared for at home if there is someone【C4】______ of looking after him under the doctor’s【C5】______ . Sometimes arrangements can be【C6】______ for a visiting nurse to give the necessary【C7】______ once a day, or oftener, if necessary. The responsible one in the home【C8】______ on with the rest of the care during the【C9】______ between the nurses’ visits.
     The rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment【C10】______ the spot of an accident or sudden illness,【C11】______ awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite【C12】______ from the home nursing.
     When illness does come, the whole family is【C13】______ . Many adjustments have to he made  【C14】______ the family routine needn’t be【C15】______ completely. Often it can he rearranged with home duties simplified to save time and energy, thus reducing【C16】______ on the family.
The【C17】______ responsibility for giving nursing care is usually【C18】______ by one person, frequently the mother.【C19】______ , in order that she may have some much needed rest, or【C20】______  she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs.  [br] 【C19】

选项 A、Consequently

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。本题要选填一个副词使上下文语义通顺。上文说:“护理的全部责任由母亲一个人承担”,下文又说:“家庭的其他成员也应该学会照料病人”。所以此处应该选择一个表示转折意思的词,即 However。A选项“因此,结果是”;B选项“更加,甚至”是表示递进关系;C选项“出乎意料的是”表达的意思与语义不符。答案是D。