[originaltext]M: Good morning, Miss White. I’m Bill Green. Yesterday afternoon

游客2024-05-13  4

M: Good morning, Miss White. I’m Bill Green. Yesterday afternoon I called you...
W: Ah, yes, Mr. Green, I remember our appointment. You said you have some trouble in finding a job?
M: Yes. You see, personally I think I have got good qualifications. But out of some reason, I often fail during or after the interview.
W: May I have a look at your resume?
M: Sure.
W: Well, first I must say, your resume has outlined your past very well, but only a statement of past can rarely get you inside a company. I suggest you give employers an example of what you can do for them. You may create a new area in your resume. Call it "value offered". In two sentences, state the value you would bring to that particular employer.
M: Oh, I get that point!
W: But be specific and create a separate resume for each company you approach. By the way, do you feel nervous at an interview?
M: On, yes. I always think these interviewers want nothing but to humiliate us. So I always feel it’s like facing your enemy.
W: Then you should give yourself an attitude adjustment. Remember, the employers want to hire you. A company holds interviews so it can find the best person for the job. If you convince yourself the manager wants to hire you, you will have a positive attitude at the interview, and your attitude might influence the manager to feel good about you.
M: Thank you, Miss White. I have learned a lot from what you’ve told me.
W: You’re welcome. I wish you good luck.

选项 A、A shipping company.
B、A consulting company.
C、An accounting company.
D、A headhunting company.

答案 B

解析 选项都和公司有关。本题是推测题。从女士给男士提的各种建议可以推测是咨询公司。