[originaltext]M: Have you checked all the doors and windows? And have you broug

游客2024-05-13  6

M: Have you checked all the doors and windows? And have you brought the train tickets with you? And the presents for my parents?
W: Don’t worry, dear. I have checked everything. Going back home really requires lots of preparation.
Q: What’s the woman going to do?
W: You’ve been watching TV for such a long time. Could you please help with the housework? Why should it always be me who does all these tiring chores?
M: You have more free time in this house. Besides, I am the breadwinner.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

选项 A、The man may be a sexist.
B、The woman is a homemaker.
C、The woman is unhappy with her husband’s work.
D、The man is running a bread-manufacturing factory.

答案 B

解析 由对话中男士提到的I am the breadwinner(我养家糊口)可推知,对话中的女士(即男士的妻子)应该是与breadwinner相对的homemaker(家庭主妇),故答案为[B]。干扰项[D]中的bread-manufacturing是对breadwinner的误解。breadwinner意为“养家糊口的人”。