The purpose of writing the article is to______. [br] Many swimming pools offer l

游客2024-05-13  5

问题 The purpose of writing the article is to______. [br] Many swimming pools offer lessons to______.

选项 A、people who are beginners of swimming
B、local residents who live downtown
C、swimmers of years of experience
D、athletes who want to improve their techniques

答案 A

解析 同义转述题。根据原文可知,大多数游泳池会为不会游泳的人或经验不足,或想继续提高技巧的人提供训练课程。A中的beginner“初学者”与原文中的non-swimmer“以前从没有游过泳的人”是同义词,所以为正确答案。  