[originaltext]M: Do you have any idea what happened to the user’s manual for th

游客2024-05-13  5

M: Do you have any idea what happened to the user’s manual for this new software?
W: I had it yesterday, but I’m sure I put it back in the cabinet when I was finished.
Q: What are the speakers trying to do?
M: There’s that new Japanese place just a block down the street. Why don’t we go there for dinner?
W: I don’t think so. How about Mexican? It’s much cheaper, and I’ve got to start watching my expenses.
Q: Why doesn’t the woman want Japanese food?

选项 A、She doesn’t like it.
B、She is tired of it.
C、She doesn’t want to spend a lot.
D、The restaurant is too far away.

答案 C

解析 男士建议去一家新开的日本料理店吃饭,女士不同意,说墨西哥餐馆更便宜,她已经开始注意花销了,故选C)项。